Your relationship with the scale


What's your relationship like with the scale? Because... SECRET time: it's different for every.single.woman out there. And, every woman gets to CHOOSE what makes her feel freaking AMAZING, whether that means never stepping on the scale or checking in every few weeks.

The GOAL here isn't to avoid the scale once and for all. The GOAL is to use the scale as a tool in your toolkit instead of relying on it as the sole thing driving you forward.

Personally, my weight loss came to a stand-still when I was counting calories and stepping on the scale every single morning... allowing that number to literally make or break the rest of my day. I actually gained a few pounds at the time - go figure. 

My results started coming in when I threw out the schedule and started hopping on the scale every few weeks, whenever my body felt called to.

Once I started focusing on how my body FELT instead of worrying about a number, that's when my body was able to release the weight. Because how I felt was the main force moving me forward. The scale? Well, that was just a tool I took out every now and then to get curious about how I feel energetically and my weight that corresponded with that.

HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PART ➝ My weight didn't DETERMINE how I felt. It was quite the opposite. In fact, I actually feel better when I weigh more than I do right now (ps - if I read that sentence 6 years ago I would've cringed). But it's true.

When I am feeling my absolute best energetically, I have more muscle (which weighs more than fat) than I do right now. Due to my recent injury flare-up, I've lost some muscle, and thus weigh less than I know I do when I feel my best.

HERE'S THE OTHER IMPORTANT PART ➝ This dynamic gets to change over time. As I get stronger (thanks to the magical combo of myofascial release therapy + specialized personal training), it will be interesting to see if my weight increases, decreases, or stays the same.

Either way, I don't care! If I feel freaking amazing, then that number truly doesn't matter, it's just another data point to take in.

Cheers to mindset changes and new possibilities.



Emily Golin