Become who you were meant to be


What if we stopped putting all of our focus and energy into "becoming something" and started focusing on clearing the clutter in areas of our lives that aren't positively serving us? Perhaps shedding yourself of everything that's been holding you back and weighing you down is exactly what you need to do in order to launch forward.

I invite you to use the next few days to be kind to yourself. To truly look within, to ask yourself the hard questions, to explore the variety of emotions that you may have been pushing aside for so long. Use this time to acknowledge and process all of the outside clutter that you've compiled over the years - all of that clutter that snuck its way into your life and somewhere along the way became a part of who you are.

I'm talking about all the superficial stuff; all of the societal expectations you've subscribed to for so long; all of the "should's" and "have to's" that have been ingrained in your mindset; all of the "fake" relationships that don't really serve you but rather strip you of your energy.

Take a second, pause, and ask yourself, do these things/mindsets/areas of my life align with who I want to be? ... and if the answer is no, then it's time to CLEAR THAT CLUTTTEERRRR!!!! :) One of the most important lessons I've come to realize over the past few years is that it's almost impossible to step into your truest self without first acknowledging and processing everything that's been blocking your true identity from rising into the light in the first place. ♡ 💫

Emily Golin