Movie night popcorn... and the Guilt that comes with it

Popcorn? Yes please. Chocolate chips? Duh. Movie night snuggles? Pure Bliss. But 6 years ago... not so much.

Six years ago I would NEVER have been able to sit on the couch with my family, a bowl of popcorn + choco chips in my lap, and actually, truly, fully enjoy it. Why? Because 6 years ago... that bowl had more than just popcorn and chocolate in it... there was an invisible layer of guilt and shame sprinkled alllll over my bowl of popcorn. No one else could see it, but for me, it was there, no question. It was like with every bite of popcorn yumminess came a dose of "Em.. what are you doing... you shouldn't be eating this... you know this is bad for you... why can't you just get your sh*t together already and stop overeating? You're gross." ⁠

And even though I hated this extremely rude addition to my popcorn concoction, it somehow always managed to make its way back into my damn bowl. I was sooo over it. That layer of shame and guilt was wayyyy past its expiration date.⁠

It was time for an upgrade.⁠

So what's different now? Now, I choose to nourish myself with fueling, high vibe, yummy-in-my-tummy foods. And this time around, there's no guilt, shame, or deprivation involved.... not because I'm actively trying to push the shame and guilt out of my head the whole time (we all know that method doesn't work..), but because there is no shame and guilt that arises from fueling myself with yummy, nourishing goodness. ⁠Only happiness, vibrancy, and joy.

Because when you know WHAT ingredients taste the best to you and make you feel the best + you know HOW to put it all together in a way that's actually easier and more cost-effective than what you were doing before ➝ there's no room at the table for shame and guilt. They're simply not invited to the party. #sorrynotsorry

YOUR life is YOUR party to live. And YOU get to choose who's invited.

If you’re ready to say peace out to shame and guilt and to start saying hellllllo to creating the life you love, then click the link below now to schedule a time to talk with me today so I can help you feel more energized and alive than ever before.

Let’s Chat!



Emily Golin