Setting intentions for the new year


As we step into 2020 I’ve been thinking a lot about my intentions I want to set for the year and found myself asking the same question over and over again: What changes can I implement in my life that will make this year the best year yet? Changes that will help me grow and step into my best, happiest self?

Well if you’ve ever sat down to set intentions before you might relate to the feeling of overwhelm that overcame me. That feeling that comes from over analyzing each part of our existence in order to find which areas we want to improve… basically sitting there in deep thought hoping some intention jumps out at us like it was meant to be. It can be so overwhelming, at least for me. We spend a lot of time compartmentalizing the various areas of our lives: relationships, career, money, exercise, health. But the truth is our ʜᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇss doesn't depend on how successful we are in each category of our lives ➝ your happiness can really only be determined by one thing and one thing only ➝ ʏᴏᴜ.

When you decide that you are WORTHY of living an abundant life, a life full of happiness & joy, when you decide to truly, authentically be unapologetically yourself every day, with full confidence in your value & worthiness in this one life, that's when the magic happens.

That's when you get to be your true self without holding back - when you stop doubting every decision you make and instead start LIVING. Because when you declare to the world that you will always remain true to yourself, you're no longer waiting for outside circumstances to determine your happiness.

Sure there are going to rough times, harder days than others, weeks, months, even years. And at those times the one thing that'll help you get out of your funk is reminding yourself to be true to you. Remember your value through the chaos and your innate ability to manifest your reality. Because when you’ve made the decision ahead of time to live a vibrant, high-frequency life, little bumps in the road are just that, bumps. And sometimes, those little speed bumps in the road are the perfect reminder we need to slow down a bit, take a deep breath and ask ourselves: ✧Who am I being right now & Who do I want to be?✧

Emily Golin